As the Blog says , these are tips for technicians.
Blomberg washing machine is a condo size washer, that has a brushed motor. These small brushes tend to wear out after about five years but it of course depends on how often washer is being used.
Unplug the washer before you do anything else! Blomberg washing machines, at least older models were connected to a power box that sits on the back right side of the dryer, if it is a stackable unit, and it is powered with 220 volts.
In order to get to the motor you have to be able to get to the back of the washer and remove the back cover. Remove the belt, and then remove 4 screws that are holding the motor in place, two at the front and two a bit farther inside. Wiggle it and it should come out pretty easy.
Once you have the motor pulled out , you can simply test brushes for continuity, one probe goes on the brush connector, the other one goes to the shaft (middle part that spins freely) of the motor, or you can remove two screws that hold the brush and inspect it visually. You might get a false reading with your multimeter if brush is almost worn out, but still connects sometimes, so removing it and just looking at it would be the safest way to diagnose properly. Just for comparison, a length of a new brush is more than one inch long.
Okay, so you’ve replaced the brushes, got about a dozen scratches and cuts while trying to install the motor back in place and now it’s time to put the belt on. It is pretty easy , but for the first time doers it might be a bit tricky. Just remember, first you put the belt on a motor wheel and then you put it on the big wheel and spin the big wheel while you are holding the belt. Best of luck!
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