Washer Maintenance

Your Washing machine needs maintenance just like any other machine that is being used often for a heavy duty work.
Usually user manual will have most of these tips, but lets be honest, manuals are too boring and life is too short too read them.
However, if you decided that your washer deserves a better quality of life you’ve come to the right place.
Here are some tips, for both types, front-load and top-load:
1. Measure detergent with plastic cup that came with the bottle, directions on how much to use can be found on the bottle. Personally I would suggest using even less than what’s recommended. If you are using pods then in most cases 1 is more than enough.
2. Run a cleaning cycle every 3 month for a top-load and every 6 month for a front-load washer. Many machines have a cleaning cycle, If yours doesn’t it isn’t a big deal, just select the longest cycle and run it with cleaning solution.
3. Use special cleaning solution, for example: “Affresh washing machine cleaner”, any other brand will do as well. Read instructions on how to use a cleaner. Only bleach or vinegar won’t do the job.
4. After each use keep the door open on your front-load washer, if you let it breath it won’t smell bad.
5. Do not overload it, and it will serve you well for many years to come. Usually about two thirds of the drum is the maximum amount of DRY clothes you can load in.
6. Manufacturers usually recommend to clean the filter once in 3-6 month (front-loads only, rarely there is filter in a top-load). If you decide to do so, just keep in mind that you have to be careful as you are working with water, flood is a very unpleasant thing, so after you cleaned the filter just make sure to test it, make sure that you’ve closed the filter properly and there are no leaks.
This is it, now you can use your washer like a Pro.

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