Wanted to share this as I find it unusual and interesting.
I had a case with Samsung dishwasher that wasn’t draining only at the end of the cycle. However, It was draining properly at the beginning, during the cycle and draining when any cycle was canceled. Initial complaint was that there is water left at the bottom when a cycle is finished. One more thing worth mentioning is that this dishwasher was only a year old and was recently moved from one house to another by a company that did the renovation in that house.
My first thoughts were: Leaky water valve, a partial clog in the drain system or bad installation.
I ran it through a test mode, it finished with no error codes. There was no clog, it was draining perfectly. First I have disconnected a rubber water hose from water valve in order to see if it was dripping, it wasn’t. There are only handful of sensors so I had them all tested, turbidity, water level switch, temperature sensor, overflow switch, found no issues. At this point I was pretty confident that something has happened to main control board (main pcb), so I’ve replaced it and ran a quick cycle, enjoyed watching Joe Rogan podcast for 60 minutes and was shocked to see that after the cycle was finished dishwasher did not drain! I was very frustrated, after all the tests it still wasn’t working. Suddenly I have noticed that dishwasher isn’t hard wired as it is suppose to be, but has a regular electric three wire cord plugged into the receptacle on the wall. As a last resort, I have opened dishwasher electric box just to make sure that everything was wired properly. Right away I saw the problem, white wire to black and black wire to white, whoever wired it had no idea what he was doing or maybe just didn’t care. I rewired it, tested and it worked!
So if your Samsung dishwasher model: DW80R2031US is not draining only in the end of the cycle don’t forget to check if the power cord was connected properly.
Good luck and happy fixing!